curl JSON


Welcome to the Tranzzo Payment API!

Through this docs the following variables will be used if format ${VARIABLE_NAME}:

Variable Meaning Example
POS_ID Point Of Sale identifier. Used to uniquely identify merchant in API. dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667
API_KEY Key used to merchant for authorization purposes. 2c2b91a3-9b73-4551-81ac-84e0d0360995
API_SECRET Secret used to merchant for authorization purposes in API and webhooks signing. ktMdTyollYMRkEfvgqbaWmvFiXPy1a80
ENDPOINTS_KEY Endpoints authorization key. Used to access the API. AIzaSyBiVfwG--8qIr4GOGuC2-XYoulwqqAAAAA

See Authentication for details.


Term Definition
MCC Merchant Category Code - is a four-digit number listed in ISO 18245 for retail financial services. MCC is used to classify the business by the type of goods or services it provides.
3-D Secure 3-D Secure - is an additional authentication step for online payments.
ECI Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) - authentication result of credit card payment on 3D Secure

Primary operations

Payment modes

Tranzzo defines two options for processing payments, a.k.a. modes:

  1. hosted - the most popular way to integrate Tranzzo. It provides hosted checkout which can be connected to merchant's project. The request define preferred Payment method and include full Product details and customer information. The user interface can be adjust in merchant's styles and host at merchant's domain name.

  2. direct - seamless integration. Let customer enter card data details on merchant's website or pay by card tokens issued by Tranzzo.

Payment methods

Depending on merchant business there are different options for accepting payment. a.k.a. methods:

  1. purchase - one-step payment. Charges customer's card for specified amount.

  2. auth - two-step payment. Amount is simply hold on payer's card. For actual charging, complete the transaction with capture method.

  1. credit - payout operation. Replenishes customer's card with specified amount from merchant's balance.

  2. p2p - money transfer from one card to another.

Secondary operations

Secondary operations are bound to primary.

  1. refund - . Applicable for completed (captures) authorizations and purchases.
  1. capture - confirm hold. Optionally takes an alternative amount (less than hold amount) to be captured.

  2. void - release hold. Declines previously made authorization.

Controlling 3D-Secure flow

3-D Secure could be controlled by order_3ds_bypass parameter in API. Valid parameters are:

  1. supported (default) - depends on card 3-D Secure support.

  2. always - transaction will be declined if card does not support 3-D Secure.

  3. never - transaction will be made without 3-D Secure involving.



In order to test whether host is reachable use endpoint:

$ curl

Expected response:


All requests to Tranzzo API should be sent to host in JSON format.


To test whether credentials and headers are correct, use the following request:

$ curl "${POS_ID}/orders/0" \

Expected response


Tranzzo uses HTTP headers for authentication in the following format:

Header field name Value Example
X-API-AUTH CPAY ${API_KEY}:${API_SECRET} X-API-AUTH 2c2b91a3-9b73-4551-81ac-84e0d0360995:ktMdTyollYMRkEfvgqbaWmvFiXPy1a80

Tranzzo expects these headers in all API requests sent to the server for both GET and POST requests.

Request signing

Requests to Tranzzo could be optionally signed, it is recommended. In this case, header X-API-AUTH should be replace with appropriate signing algorithm. See examples below.

OpenSSL HMAC-SHA1 signing example:

SECRET=changeme # replace with ${API_SECRET}
DATA='{"name":"Joe","age":20}' # replace with raw request
SIGNATURE=$(echo -n "$DATA" | openssl sha1 -hmac "$SECRET")
# Expected signature

Recommended way to sign requests is HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. See an example on the right.

Authentication header: X-API-AUTH: CPAY-HMAC ${API_KEY}:${SIGNATURE}


OpenSSL SHA1 signing example:

SECRET=changeme # replace with ${API_SECRET}
DATA='{"name":"Joe","age":20}' # replace with raw request
SIGNATURE=$(echo -n "$SECRET$DATA$SECRET" | openssl sha1)
# Expected signature

If merchant's system has no support for HMAC signing, requests could be simply signed with SHA1 algorithm. See an example on the right.

Authentication header: X-API-AUTH: CPAY-SHA1 ${API_KEY}:${SIGNATURE}


Example of product entity:

  "id": "1",
  "url": "",
  "category": "TV",
  "name": "Brand new TV",
  "description": "Brand new TV with awesome screen",
  "amount": 6600,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "price_type": "VAT",
  "vat": 6600,
  "qty": 1,
  "payload": "ref_no=1231; discount=false"

For each payment you can optionally pass array of products that are being paid for.

Parameter definitions (all parameters are optional):

Parameter Type Description
id String Product identifier in merchant's system
url String Product URL
category String Product category
name String Product name
description String Product description
amount Number Product price (does not influence total payment amount)
currency String Product price currency
price_type String Either VAT or NET
vat Number VAT price for the product
qty Number Product quantity
payload String Field for custom data. Max 4000 symbols.

API statuses

status field can contain the following values:

Status Description
initiated Transaction was created, but processing has not been started.
pending Transaction is being processed.
unsuccessful Unsuccessful transaction.
rejected Transaction was declined.
success Transaction is successful.

Gateway statuses

status_processing field contains more detailed status from processing gateway:

Status status Description
Sandbox success Test transaction is successful.
Success success Transaction is successful.
Pending pending Transaction is being processed.
Antifraud pending Transaction is on Antifraud check.
Hold pending Transaction is on Hold.
Created pending Transaction was created and is being processed.
Unsuccessful rejected Unsuccessful transaction.
Rejected rejected Transaction was declined.
Error rejected Failed to process transaction.
Refund rejected Transaction was refunded by gateway.
Canceled rejected Transaction was canceled by gateway.

Hosted payments

$ curl -i "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "${POS_ID}",
      "mode": "hosted",
      "method": "purchase",
      "amount": 1,
      "currency": "UAH",
      "description": "description_1",
      "order_id": "123",
      "products": [],
      "server_url": "",
      "result_url": "",
      "payload": "THIS_IS_PAYLOAD"

Successful response with 303 HTTP status has Location header where customer should be redirected to proceed with payment:

HTTP/2 303
# .. other headers

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String hosted
method String Payment method (purchase, auth)
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
description String Payment description
products Array[Product] Array of products to be paid
order_id String Unique identified of order
order_3ds_bypass String 3-D Secure flow option
order_date String Timestamp, when order was created
order_timeout Number Controls during which time order could be paid
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
customer_fname String Customer first name
customer_lname String Customer last name
customer_email String Customer email
customer_phone String Customer phone
customer_ip String Customer IP address
customer_country String Customer country
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_url String Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment
merchant_mcc String MCC for this transaction
payload String Field for custom data (will be sent in webhook). Max 4000 symbols.
validation_url String Preflight request will be sent to this URL. See TODO anchor

Direct payments with card data

Request example:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "${POS_ID}",
      "mode": "direct",
      "method": "purchase",
      "amount": 1,
      "currency": "UAH",
      "description": "description_1",
      "order_id": "123",
      "cc_number": "4242424242424242",
      "exp_month": 2,
      "exp_year": 24,
      "card_cvv": "111",
      "products": [],
      "server_url": "",
      "result_url": "",
      "payload": "THIS_IS_PAYLOAD"

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String Payment method (purchase, auth)
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
description String Payment description
products Array[Product] Array of products to be paid
order_id String Unique identified of order
cc_number String Card number
exp_month Number Card expiration month field
exp_year Number Card expiration year field
card_cvv String Card CVV
order_3ds_bypass String 3-D Secure flow option
order_date String Timestamp, when order was created
order_timeout Number Controls during which time order could be paid
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
customer_fname String Customer first name
customer_lname String Customer last name
customer_email String Customer email
customer_phone String Customer phone
customer_ip String Customer IP address
customer_country String Customer country
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_url String Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment
merchant_mcc String MCC for this transaction
payload String Field for custom data (will be sent in webhook). Max 4000 symbols.
validation_url String Preflight request will be sent to this URL. See TODO anchor

Response example:

  "uuid": "9b1392a5-d030-4e85-b02d-9b7191ea2a5e",
  "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
  "created": 1540046568154,
  "mode": "direct",
  "method": "auth",
  "amount": 1,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "description": "description_1",
  "order_id": "123",
  "options_3ds": "supported",
  "user_action_required": true,
  "enrolled_3ds": true,
  "status": "pending",
  "cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
  "customer_ip": "",
  "user_action_url": "",
  "user_account_id": "041b0c46-8072-43bc-92c4-99c524ba2507",
  "payment_id": "47d82d40-459c-4181-9c1f-43218e981568",
  "transaction_id": "a8d80c86-0c7b-41bc-b63d-1e78f80edcd9",
  "cc_mask": "424242******4242",
  "gw_order_id": "9B39A076243EB3EBB0925EAA981763AC:158545961",
  "result_url": "",
  "code": "2122",
  "code_description": "3DS verification is required to finish the transaction.",
  "status_processing": "Pending"

Response parameters:

Parameter Type Description
uuid String Tranzzo unique payment identifier
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
created number UNIX Timestamp when payment was created
mode String direct
method String Payment method (purchase, auth)
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
description String Payment description
products Array[Product] Array of products to be paid
order_id String Unique identifier of order
options_3ds String 3-D Secure flow option
user_action_required Boolean Either customer action is required to proceed with payment
enrolled_3ds Boolean Either customer's card is enrolled in 3-D Secure
status String Transaction status
user_action_url String If user_action_required is true then user should be redirected to this URL
user_account_id String Customer identifier in Tranzzo
payment_id String Tranzzo payment identifier in billing system
transaction_id String Tranzzo transaction identifier
gw_order_id String Unique order identifier in bank acquirer system.
code String Tranzzo payment status code
code_description String Tranzzo payment status code description
status_processing String Tranzzo overall payment status
cc_mask String Card number mask
cc_token String Tranzzo card token generated for this card
order_date String Timestamp, when order was created
order_timeout Number Controls during which time order could be paid
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
customer_fname String Customer first name
customer_lname String Customer last name
customer_email String Customer email
customer_phone String Customer phone
customer_ip String Customer IP address
customer_country String Customer country
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_url String Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment
merchant_mcc String MCC for this transaction
payload String Field for custom data (will be sent in webhook). Max 4000 symbols.

Direct payments using Tranzzo tokens

Request example:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "${POS_ID}",
      "mode": "direct",
      "method": "purchase",
      "amount": 1,
      "currency": "UAH",
      "description": "description_1",
      "order_id": "123",
      "cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
      "products": [],
      "server_url": "",
      "result_url": "",
      "payload": "THIS_IS_PAYLOAD"

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String Payment method (purchase, auth)
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
description String Payment description
products Array[Product] Array of products to be paid
order_id String Unique identified of order
cc_token String Tranzzo card token, obtained from previous payments
order_3ds_bypass String 3-D Secure flow option
order_date String Timestamp, when order was created
order_timeout Number Controls during which time order could be paid
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
customer_fname String Customer first name
customer_lname String Customer last name
customer_email String Customer email
customer_phone String Customer phone
customer_ip String Customer IP address
customer_country String Customer country
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_url String Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment
merchant_mcc String MCC for this transaction
payload String Field for custom data (will be sent in webhook). Max 4000 symbols.
validation_url String Preflight request will be sent to this URL. See TODO anchor

Response example:

  "uuid": "9b1392a5-d030-4e85-b02d-9b7191ea2a5e",
  "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
  "created": 1540046568154,
  "mode": "direct",
  "method": "auth",
  "amount": 1,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "description": "description_1",
  "order_id": "123",
  "options_3ds": "supported",
  "user_action_required": true,
  "enrolled_3ds": true,
  "status": "pending",
  "cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
  "customer_ip": "",
  "user_action_url": "",
  "user_account_id": "041b0c46-8072-43bc-92c4-99c524ba2507",
  "payment_id": "47d82d40-459c-4181-9c1f-43218e981568",
  "transaction_id": "a8d80c86-0c7b-41bc-b63d-1e78f80edcd9",
  "cc_mask": "424242******4242",
  "gw_order_id": "9B39A076243EB3EBB0925EAA981763AC:158545961",
  "result_url": "",
  "code": "2122",
  "code_description": "3DS verification is required to finish the transaction.",
  "status_processing": "Pending"

Response parameters:

Parameter Type Description
uuid String Tranzzo unique payment identifier
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
created number UNIX Timestamp when payment was created
mode String direct
method String Payment method (purchase, auth)
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
description String Payment description
products Array[Product] Array of products to be paid
order_id String Unique identified of order
options_3ds String 3-D Secure flow option
user_action_required Boolean Either customer action is required to proceed with payment
enrolled_3ds Boolean Either customer's card is enrolled in 3-D Secure
status String Transaction status
user_action_url String If user_action_required is true then user should be redirected to this URL
user_account_id String Customer identifier in Tranzzo
payment_id String Tranzzo payment identifier in billing system
transaction_id String Tranzzo transaction identifier
gw_order_id String Unique order identifier in bank acquirer system.
code String Tranzzo payment status code
code_description String Tranzzo payment status code description
status_processing String Tranzzo overall payment status
cc_mask String Card number mask
cc_token String Tranzzo card token generated for this card
order_date String Timestamp, when order was created
order_timeout Number Controls during which time order could be paid
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
customer_fname String Customer first name
customer_lname String Customer last name
customer_email String Customer email
customer_phone String Customer phone
customer_ip String Customer IP address
customer_country String Customer country
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_url String Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment
merchant_mcc String MCC for this transaction
payload String Field for custom data (will be sent in webhook). Max 4000 symbols.

P2P payments

Request example:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "${POS_ID}",
      "mode": "direct",
      "method": "p2p",
      "amount": 1,
      "currency": "UAH",
      "description": "description_1",
      "order_id": "123",
      "cc_number": "4242424242424242",
      "exp_month": 2,
      "exp_year": 24,
      "card_cvv": "111",
      "recipient_cc_number": "5555555555554444",
      "products": [],
      "server_url": "",
      "result_url": "",
      "payload": "THIS_IS_PAYLOAD"

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String Payment method (purchase, auth)
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
description String Payment description
products Array[Product] Array of products to be paid
order_id String Unique identified of transfer
cc_number String Card number
exp_month Number Card expiration month field
exp_year Number Card expiration year field
card_cvv String Card CVV
recipient_cc_number String Recipient's card number
order_3ds_bypass String 3-D Secure flow option
order_date String Timestamp, when order was created
order_timeout Number Controls during which time order could be paid
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
customer_fname String Customer first name
customer_lname String Customer last name
customer_email String Customer email
customer_phone String Customer phone
customer_ip String Customer IP address
customer_country String Customer country
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_url String Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment
merchant_mcc String MCC for this transaction
payload String Field for custom data (will be sent in webhook). Max 4000 symbols.
validation_url String Preflight request will be sent to this URL. See TODO anchor

Response example:

  "uuid": "9b1392a5-d030-4e85-b02d-9b7191ea2a5e",
  "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
  "created": 1540046568154,
  "mode": "direct",
  "method": "p2p",
  "amount": 1,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "description": "description_1",
  "order_id": "123",
  "options_3ds": "supported",
  "user_action_required": true,
  "enrolled_3ds": true,
  "status": "pending",
  "cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
  "customer_ip": "",
  "user_action_url": "",
  "user_account_id": "041b0c46-8072-43bc-92c4-99c524ba2507",
  "payment_id": "47d82d40-459c-4181-9c1f-43218e981568",
  "transaction_id": "a8d80c86-0c7b-41bc-b63d-1e78f80edcd9",
  "cc_mask": "424242******4242",
  "gw_order_id": "9B39A076243EB3EBB0925EAA981763AC:158545961",
  "result_url": "",
  "code": "2122",
  "code_description": "3DS verification is required to finish the transaction.",
  "status_processing": "Pending"

Response parameters:

Parameter Type Description
uuid String Tranzzo unique payment identifier
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
created number UNIX Timestamp when payment was created
mode String direct
method String Payment method (purchase, auth)
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
description String Payment description
products Array[Product] Array of products to be paid
order_id String Unique identified of transfer
options_3ds String 3-D Secure flow option
user_action_required Boolean Either customer action is required to proceed with payment
enrolled_3ds Boolean Either customer's card is enrolled in 3-D Secure
status String Transaction status
user_action_url String If user_action_required is true then user should be redirected to this URL
user_account_id String Customer identifier in Tranzzo
payment_id String Tranzzo payment identifier in billing system
transaction_id String Tranzzo transaction identifier
gw_order_id String Unique order identifier in bank acquirer system.
code String Tranzzo payment status code
code_description String Tranzzo payment status code description
status_processing String Tranzzo overall payment status
cc_mask String Card number mask
cc_token String Tranzzo card token generated for this card
order_date String Timestamp, when order was created
order_timeout Number Controls during which time order could be paid
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
customer_fname String Customer first name
customer_lname String Customer last name
customer_email String Customer email
customer_phone String Customer phone
customer_ip String Customer IP address
customer_country String Customer country
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_url String Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment
merchant_mcc String MCC for this transaction
payload String Field for custom data (will be sent in webhook). Max 4000 symbols.

P2P payments using Tranzzo tokens

Request example:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "${POS_ID}",
      "mode": "direct",
      "method": "p2p",
      "amount": 1,
      "currency": "UAH",
      "description": "description_1",
      "order_id": "123",
      "cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
      "recipient_cc_number": "5555555555554444",
      "products": [],
      "server_url": "",
      "result_url": "",
      "payload": "THIS_IS_PAYLOAD"

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String Payment method (purchase, auth)
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
description String Payment description
products Array[Product] Array of products to be paid
order_id String Unique identified of transfer
cc_token String Tranzzo card token, obtained from previous payments
recipient_cc_number String Recipient's card number
order_3ds_bypass String 3-D Secure flow option
order_date String Timestamp, when order was created
order_timeout Number Controls during which time order could be paid
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
customer_fname String Customer first name
customer_lname String Customer last name
customer_email String Customer email
customer_phone String Customer phone
customer_ip String Customer IP address
customer_country String Customer country
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_url String Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment
merchant_mcc String MCC for this transaction
payload String Field for custom data (will be sent in webhook). Max 4000 symbols.
validation_url String Preflight request will be sent to this URL. See TODO anchor

Response example:

  "uuid": "9b1392a5-d030-4e85-b02d-9b7191ea2a5e",
  "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
  "created": 1540046568154,
  "mode": "direct",
  "method": "p2p",
  "amount": 1,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "description": "description_1",
  "order_id": "123",
  "options_3ds": "supported",
  "user_action_required": true,
  "enrolled_3ds": true,
  "status": "pending",
  "cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
  "customer_ip": "",
  "user_action_url": "",
  "user_account_id": "041b0c46-8072-43bc-92c4-99c524ba2507",
  "payment_id": "47d82d40-459c-4181-9c1f-43218e981568",
  "transaction_id": "a8d80c86-0c7b-41bc-b63d-1e78f80edcd9",
  "cc_mask": "424242******4242",
  "gw_order_id": "9B39A076243EB3EBB0925EAA981763AC:158545961",
  "result_url": "",
  "code": "2122",
  "code_description": "3DS verification is required to finish the transaction.",
  "status_processing": "Pending"

Response parameters:

Parameter Type Description
uuid String Tranzzo unique payment identifier
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
created number UNIX Timestamp when payment was created
mode String direct
method String Payment method (purchase, auth)
amount Number Transaction amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
description String Payment description
products Array[Product] Array of products to be paid
order_id String Unique identified of transfer
options_3ds String 3-D Secure flow option
user_action_required Boolean Either customer action is required to proceed with payment
enrolled_3ds Boolean Either customer's card is enrolled in 3-D Secure
status String Transaction status
user_action_url String If user_action_required is true then user should be redirected to this URL
user_account_id String Customer identifier in Tranzzo
payment_id String Tranzzo payment identifier in billing system
transaction_id String Tranzzo transaction identifier
gw_order_id String Unique order identifier in bank acquirer system.
code String Tranzzo payment status code
code_description String Tranzzo payment status code description
status_processing String Tranzzo overall payment status
cc_mask String Card number mask
cc_token String Tranzzo card token generated for this card
order_date String Timestamp, when order was created
order_timeout Number Controls during which time order could be paid
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
customer_fname String Customer first name
customer_lname String Customer last name
customer_email String Customer email
customer_phone String Customer phone
customer_ip String Customer IP address
customer_country String Customer country
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_url String Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment
merchant_mcc String MCC for this transaction
payload String Field for custom data (will be sent in webhook). Max 4000 symbols.


Request example:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "${POS_ID}",
      "order_id": "123",
      "order_amount": 100,
      "order_currency": "UAH",
      "server_url": ""

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
order_id String Merchant's order identifier to be captured
order_amount Number Amount of original order
order_currency String Currency of original order
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL

Response example:

  "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
  "mode": "direct",
  "method": "capture",
  "order_id": "123",
  "amount": 100,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "payment_id": "f7d0c7cb-af32-441f-b2af-4d90d4da70e1",
  "pay_request_id": "fdf1a710-8a34-414c-b023-b7e78104301a",
  "status": "success"

Response parameters:

Parameter Type Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String capture
order_id String Unique identified of order
amount Number Actually captured amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
payment_id String Tranzzo unique capture identifier
pay_request_id String Tranzzo unique identifier of primary operation
status String Capture status

Partial capture

Request example:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
      "order_id": "123",
      "order_amount": 100,
      "order_currency": "UAH",
      "charge_amount": 80,
      "server_url": ""

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
order_id String Merchant's order identifier to be captured
order_amount Number Amount of original order
order_currency String Currency of original order
charge_amount Number Optional amount to be captured
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL

Response example:

  "pos_id": "$dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
  "mode": "direct",
  "method": "capture",
  "order_id": "123",
  "amount": 80,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "payment_id": "f7d0c7cb-af32-441f-b2af-4d90d4da70e1",
  "pay_request_id": "fdf1a710-8a34-414c-b023-b7e78104301a",
  "status": "success"

Response parameters:

Parameter Type Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String capture
order_id String Unique identified of order
amount Number Actually captured amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
payment_id String Tranzzo unique capture identifier
pay_request_id String Tranzzo unique identifier of primary operation
status String Capture status


Request example:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
      "order_id": "123",
      "order_amount": 100,
      "order_currency": "UAH",
      "server_url": ""

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
order_id String Merchant's order identifier to be captured
order_amount Number Amount of original order
order_currency String Currency of original order
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL

Response example:

  "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
  "mode": "direct",
  "method": "void",
  "order_id": "123",
  "amount": 80,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "payment_id": "9b13e2e3-bce1-472f-aa16-675e34987277",
  "pay_request_id": "8df1e61c-7b08-4614-8c5e-8cc0eab15338",
  "status": "success"

Response parameters:

Parameter Type Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String void
order_id String Unique identified of order
amount Number Voided amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
payment_id String Tranzzo unique void identifier
pay_request_id String Tranzzo unique identifier of primary operation
status String Void status


Request example:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
      "order_id": "123",
      "order_amount": 100,
      "order_currency": "UAH",
      "server_url": ""

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
order_id String Merchant's order identifier to be captured
order_amount Number Amount of original order
order_currency String Currency of original order
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL

Response example:

  "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
  "mode": "direct",
  "method": "capture",
  "order_id": "123",
  "amount": 100,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "payment_id": "f7d0c7cb-af32-441f-b2af-4d90d4da70e1",
  "pay_request_id": "fdf1a710-8a34-414c-b023-b7e78104301a",
  "status": "success"

Response parameters:

Parameter Type Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String refund
order_id String Unique identified of order
amount Number Actually refunded amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
payment_id String Tranzzo unique refund identifier
pay_request_id String Tranzzo unique identifier of primary operation
status String Refund status

Partial refund

Request example:

$ curl "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
      "order_id": "123",
      "order_amount": 100,
      "order_currency": "UAH",
      "refund_amount": 80,
      "server_url": ""

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
order_id String Merchant's order identifier to be captured
order_amount Number Amount of original order
order_currency String Currency of original order
refund_amount Number Amount to be refunded
server_url String Webhook notification will be sent to this URL

Response example:

  "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
  "mode": "direct",
  "method": "capture",
  "order_id": "123",
  "amount": 80,
  "currency": "UAH",
  "payment_id": "f7d0c7cb-af32-441f-b2af-4d90d4da70e1",
  "pay_request_id": "fdf1a710-8a34-414c-b023-b7e78104301a",
  "status": "success"

Response parameters:

Parameter Type Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String refund
order_id String Unique identified of order
amount Number Actually refunded amount
currency String Transaction currency (ISO_4217)
payment_id String Tranzzo unique refund identifier
pay_request_id String Tranzzo unique identifier of primary operation
status String Refund status

Get order transactions

Request example:

$ curl "${POS_ID}/order/${ORDER_ID}" \

Returns all transactions that are associated with order.

Path parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
POS_ID String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
ORDER_ID String Merchant's order identifier

Response example:

        "amount": 0.01,
        "cc_mask": "424242******4242",
        "cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTSyNDJlQ2JQQQFjOTQzODU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
        "code": "1000",
        "code_description": "Transaction is successful.",
        "created": 1540186115409,
        "currency": "UAH",
        "customer_ip": "",
        "description": "Description",
        "eci": "7",
        "enrolled_3ds": false,
        "gw_order_id": "54E9221016E2F2120F1111173EF6D66:158927341",
        "method": "purchase",
        "mode": "direct",
        "options_3ds": "never",
        "order_id": "123",
        "payment_id": "e90387a2-1b49-4eb8-8aac-31df39166235",
        "pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
        "result_url": "",
        "status": "success",
        "status_processing": "Success",
        "transaction_id": "d6331537-d569-4640-b930-f1b56740a774",
        "user_action_required": false,
        "uuid": "e1b9d97e-8f93-41f4-bbe6-866c7ee45676"
        "amount": 0.01,
        "currency": "UAH",
        "method": "refund",
        "mode": "direct",
        "order_id": "123",
        "pay_request_id": "e1b9d97e-8f93-41f4-bbe6-866c7ee45676",
        "payment_id": "d18be9ef-f131-4975-8808-3b14517e5e6a",
        "pos_id": "289e336f-46ae-443e-8235-a123eeb23715",
        "status": "success"

Response structure:

Response contains Array of transactions with the same structure as in Create payment section.

Get transactions for period

Request example:

$ curl "${POS_ID}/transactions?startDate=${startDate}&enddate=${enddate}" \

Returns all transactions for specified period.

Path parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
POS_ID String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)

Query parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
startDate Number Time from - UNIX timestamp
enddate Number Time to - UNIX timestamp

Response contains Array of transactions with the same structure as in Create payment section.

Payment operation info

$ curl "${POS_ID}/orders/${ORDER_ID}/${OPERATION}" \

Returns specific operation for this ${ORDER_ID} in webhook format.

Parameter Type Required Description
POS_ID String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
ORDER_ID String Merchant's order identifier
OPERATION String Payment method, e.g. purchase, void, etc.

Resend webhook for operation

Request example:

$ curl "${POS_ID}/orders/${ORDER_ID}/${OPERATION}?callback=true" \

Returns specific operation for this ${ORDER_ID} in webhook format and sends webhook to server_url specified in request.

Parameter Type Required Description
POS_ID String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
ORDER_ID String Merchant's order identifier
OPERATION String Payment method, e.g. purchase, void, etc.

Query parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
callback Boolean true


Example of Base64-encoded payload

  "...": "...",
  "payload": "eyJ0aGlzIGlzIjogInBhc2hhbG9jaGthIn0K"

Most of requests have optional payload field. It can contain custom merchant data. Maximum length to be passed is 4,000 symbols.

If you would like to store structured data, like JSON or XML, simply encode it with Base64 to avoid JSON-specific symbols in body.


Tranzzo has an option to notify merchant with every payment status update.

Webhook structure

Example of webhook


Form parameters:

Parameter Type Description
data String Base64Url-encoded JSON
signature String data signed with ${SECRET_KEY}

Webhook verification

Signature calculation example:

data="eyJuYW1lIjoiSm9lIiwiYWdlIjoyMH0="  # base64url(data) = '{"name":"Joe","age":20}'
secret="changeme"                        # should be changed to ${API_SECRET}

signature='SofZuIZm73p2wn9zToHUcKm0EVM=' # base64url(sha1($secret + $data + secret))

Signature calculation algorithm: signature=base64url(sha1(${API_SECRET} + ${data} + ${API_SECRET}))

Primary operation webhook parameters

Primary operation webhook structure

  "eci" : "7",
  "mode" : "direct",
  "amount" : 0.28,
  "method" : "auth",
  "payway" : "privat24",
  "pos_id" : "6eb070d5-7fbe-1176-9488-c152b60dd346",
  "status" : "success",
  "cc_mask" : "424242******4242",
  "created" : "2018-10-10T10:10:10.100",
  "user_id" : "9f67af86-66ab-308c-78f2-824843763270",
  "cc_token" : "N2U0ZWExZjU5ZDEzNDqkZjg2YjBaOGYdN2VgZWFcOTYaT2FBaFBUekt6R3hzeDBPU2hO",
  "currency" : "UAH",
  "order_id" : "111999991",
  "payment_id" : "c4939398-1dad-4b92-1c34-7f6802379180",
  "customer_id" : "123",
  "gw_order_id" : "6320ac9a-aaaa-4912-adb3-5bca2dd560fe",
  "response_code" : "1000",
  "response_description" : "Transaction is successful."
  "customer_phone" : "+380999999999",
  "transaction_id" : "4f98dc46-ffff-4ba7-a267-286fe7669894",
  "processing_time" : "2018-10-10T10:10:22.100",
  "provider_order_id" : "123"
Parameter Type Description
eci String Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) - authentication result of credit card payment on 3D Secure
mode String Payment mode
amount Number Transaction amount
method String Payment method
payway String Optional payway TODO: Add payways
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
status String Transaction status
cc_mask String Card number mask
created String Timestamp when transaction was created
user_id String Customer identifier in Tranzzo
cc_token String Tranzzo card token
currency String Transaction currency
order_id String Tranzzo billing identifier
payment_id String Tranzzo unique payment identifier
customer_id String Customer identifier in merchant's system
gw_order_id String Unique order identifier in bank acquirer system.
response_code String Tranzzo payment status code
response_description String Tranzzo payment status code description
customer_phone String Customer phone
transaction_id String Tranzzo transaction identifier
processing_time String Timestamp when transaction was updated last time
provider_order_id String Unique identifier of order

Secondary operation webhook parameters

Capture webhook

Capture webhook structure:

  "pos_id" : "6eb070d5-7fbe-1176-9488-c152b60dd346",
  "mode" : "direct",
  "method" : "capture",
  "order_id" : "123",
  "amount" : 100,
  "currency" : "UAH",
  "payment_id" : "0f246465-f720-41a8-8f7c-f4af7fe61e8e",
  "pay_request_id" : "c4939398-1dad-4b92-1c34-7f6802379180",
  "transaction_id" : "4f98dc46-ffff-4ba7-a267-286fe7669894",
  "status" : "success",
  "response_code" : "1000",
  "response_description" : "Transaction is successful.",
  "processing_time": "2018-10-10T10:10:22.100"

Capture webhook parameters:

Parameter Type Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String capture
amount Number Actual capture amount
currency String Transaction currency
payment_id String Tranzzo unique payment identifier
pay_request_id String Tranzzo unique identifier of primary operation
transaction_id String Tranzzo transaction identifier
status String Transaction status
response_code String Tranzzo payment status code
response_description String Tranzzo payment status code description
processing_time String Timestamp when transaction was updated last time

Void webhook

Void webhook structure:

  "pos_id" : "6eb070d5-7fbe-1176-9488-c152b60dd346",
  "mode" : "direct",
  "method" : "void",
  "order_id" : "123",
  "amount" : 100,
  "currency" : "UAH",
  "payment_id" : "ec33fe81-8785-4976-8bd4-ee397dd02fde",
  "pay_request_id" : "c4939398-1dad-4b92-1c34-7f6802379180",
  "transaction_id" : "4f98dc46-ffff-4ba7-a267-286fe7669894",
  "status" : "success",
  "response_code" : "1009",
  "response_description" : "Reverse successful.",
  "processing_time": "2018-10-10T10:10:22.100"

Void webhook parameters:

Parameter Type Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String void
amount Number Void amount
currency String Transaction currency
payment_id String Tranzzo unique payment identifier
pay_request_id String Tranzzo unique identifier of primary operation
transaction_id String Tranzzo transaction identifier
status String Transaction status
response_code String Tranzzo payment status code
response_description String Tranzzo payment status code description
processing_time String Timestamp when transaction was updated last time

Refund webhook

Refund webhook structure:

  "pos_id" : "6eb070d5-7fbe-1176-9488-c152b60dd346",
  "mode" : "direct",
  "method" : "refund",
  "order_id" : "123",
  "amount" : 100,
  "currency" : "UAH",
  "payment_id" : "65ab3604-e03d-43c7-a9ad-f519dac1b816",
  "pay_request_id" : "c4939398-1dad-4b92-1c34-7f6802379180",
  "transaction_id" : "4f98dc46-ffff-4ba7-a267-286fe7669894",
  "status" : "success",
  "response_code" : "1004",
  "response_description" : "Refund successful.",
  "processing_time": "2018-10-10T10:10:22.100"

Capture webhook parameters:

Parameter Type Description
pos_id String Merchant's identifier (POS_ID)
mode String direct
method String refund
amount Number Actual refund amount
currency String Transaction currency
payment_id String Tranzzo unique payment identifier
pay_request_id String Tranzzo unique identifier of primary operation
transaction_id String Tranzzo transaction identifier
status String Transaction status
response_code String Tranzzo payment status code
response_description String Tranzzo payment status code description
processing_time String Timestamp when transaction was updated last time

Tranzzo card tokens

Tranzzo card token - is a special random string that could be used in card payments. Mostly used for recurring payments. Merchant is not required to be PCI-DSS compliant in order to use Tranzzo card tokens.

Error codes


Status codes from TRANZZO:

Code Status Description
0 Sandbox Test transaction
1000 Success Transaction successful
1001 Success Transaction is successful, it will be transferred in daily settlement
1002 Hold Protected transaction. Charging is successful, waiting for receipt of goods confirmation
1003 Success Funds are reserved to make a refund according to a refund request
1004 Refund Reversal successful
1005 Success Subscription successful
1006 Success Unsubscribed successfully
1007 Hold Amount was successfully blocked on the sender's account
1008 Pending Amount is charged successfully but the store is still not verified. Store need to be activated within 90 days, otherwise transaction will be automatically cancelled.
2000 Pending Pending
2001 Pending Pending
2002 Pending Pending
2003 Rejected Wrong PIN
2004 Rejected Wrong amount
2005 Rejected Wrong authorization code
2006 Rejected Wrong CAVV
2007 Rejected Wrong CVV2
2008 Rejected Internal error. Please try again.
2009 Rejected Wrong account number
2010 Pending Capture required
2100 Pending 3DS verification is required to finish the transaction.
2101 Pending CVV is required
2102 Pending OTP confirmation is required. OTP is sent to a customer phone number.
2103 Pending Receiver info required
2104 Pending Sender info required
2105 Pending Missed payout method data
2106 Pending Waiting for verification via captcha
2107 Pending Waiting for verification via IVR call
2108 Pending Waiting for verification via Privat24
2109 Pending Waiting for customer's phone number verification
2110 Pending Waiting for customer's pin-code verification
2111 Pending Waiting for verification via SENDER app
2112 Pending Waiting for verification via QR code
2113 Pending Waiting for transaction verification via Privat24/SENDER application
2114 Pending Waiting for transaction complete in Privat24
2115 Pending Waiting for transaction complete in MasterPass
2116 Pending Waiting for cash transaction at Self-Service Machine
2117 Created Invoice is created successfully, waiting for a transaction.
2118 Created Transaction is created successfully, waiting for sender to complete.
2119 Pending Transaction is processing
2120 Pending Authorization required
2121 Rejected Card verification is required.
4000 Rejected Invalid data. Missed required input fields
4001 Rejected Payment card expired
4002 Rejected Incorrect refund sum or currency
4003 Rejected Payment card has invalid status
4004 Rejected Wrong data used at Info input.
4005 Unsuccessful Internal error
4006 Rejected Internal error
4007 Rejected Internal error. Please try again.
4008 Rejected Wrong card number
4009 Unsuccessful Insufficient funds
4010 Unsuccessful Transaction limit exceeded. Try another card.
4011 Unsuccessful Internal error
4012 Unsuccessful Transaction amount limit exceeded. Try another card.
4013 Unsuccessful Internal error
4014 Unsuccessful Internal error
4015 Unsuccessful Internal error
4016 Unsuccessful Internal error
4017 Unsuccessful Internal error
4018 Pending PIN tries exceeded. Capture is required.
4019 Pending Card expired
4020 Rejected Payment card has constraints
4100 Pending User not found
4101 Pending Failed to send sms
4102 Pending Wrong sms password
4103 Rejected Card not found in wallet for receiving payments.
4104 Rejected This card payment system is not supported. Please enter another card.
4105 Rejected Invalid card type.
4106 Rejected This country is not supported. Please enter another card.
4107 Rejected Amount of transaction is more or less than the limit.
4108 Rejected Amount of transaction is more or less than the limit.
4109 Rejected Transaction amount limit is exceeded.
4110 Rejected Please, enter sender's another card.
4111 Rejected No discount found for the transaction.
4112 Rejected Failed to load the wallet.
4113 Rejected Invalid verification code.
4114 Unsuccessful Additional information is pending. Please, try later.
4115 Rejected Split amount is not equal to transaction amount.
4116 Rejected Transaction is not recurring.
4117 Rejected Transaction currency does not match with debit currency.
4118 Rejected Capture amount cannot be more than the transaction amount.
4119 Rejected Such order_id already exists in the system.
4120 Rejected Parameter is empty.
4121 Rejected Phone parameter is empty.
4122 Rejected Parameter is not transferred.
4123 Rejected Invalid parameter.
4124 Rejected Invalid currency. Please use: USD, UAH, RUB, EUR.
4125 Rejected Invalid phone number.
4126 Rejected Invalid card number.
4127 Rejected Card bin is not found.
4128 Rejected Currency exchange rate is not found.
4129 Rejected Invalid recipient name.
4130 Unsuccessful Daily card usage limit reached.
4131 Rejected Such order_id already exists in the system.
4132 Rejected Transaction for this country are forbidden.
4133 Rejected Expired card.
4134 Rejected Invalid card number
4135 Rejected Card does not support such transaction type.
4136 Rejected Card does not support such transaction type.
4137 Unsuccessful Insufficient funds.
4138 Unsuccessful Transaction amount limit is exceeded.
4139 Rejected Invalid transaction amount.
4140 Rejected Transaction is declined. Please check if the card details are correct.
4141 Unsuccessful OTP confirmation timeout
4142 Unsuccessful Transaction amount limit is exceeded.
4143 Unsuccessful Transaction amount limit is exceeded.
4144 Unsuccessful Invalid card data
4145 Unsuccessful Privat24 confirmation timeout
4146 Unsuccessful SenderApp confirmation timeout
4147 Unsuccessful 3-D Secure verification timeout
5000 Rejected Invalid operation
5001 Rejected The transaction has incorrect attributes or this operation is prohibited.
5002 Rejected Payment rejected. Please contact support.
5003 Unsuccessful Internal error
5004 Unsuccessful Transaction is not supported by provider
5005 Unsuccessful Internal error
5009 Unsuccessful Internal error
5010 Rejected Internal error
5014 Unsuccessful Authorization error. Please contact support.
5015 Unsuccessful Internal error
5019 Unsuccessful Internal error
5020 Unsuccessful Internal error
5021 Unsuccessful Authorization error. Contact issuer bank
5022 Rejected This card type is not supported
5023 Unsuccessful Timeout
5024 Unsuccessful Internal error
5025 Unsuccessful Internal error
5026 Unsuccessful Internal error
5027 Unsuccessful Internal error
5028 Unsuccessful Internal error
5029 Unsuccessful Transaction is not supported. Please contact customer support service
5030 Unsuccessful Internal error
5102 Unsuccessful Transaction cache data timeout
5103 Unsuccessful Store is blocked
5104 Unsuccessful Store is not active
5105 Unsuccessful Wrong request signature
5106 Rejected Order_id is empty
5107 Rejected You are not the agent of the specified store
5108 Rejected User doesn't have a card with such token.
5109 Rejected Invalid request url.
5110 Rejected Transaction cannot be processed
5111 Rejected Receiver didn't set the card to receive transactions.
5112 Rejected Invalid transaction status.
5113 Rejected Public_key is not found.
5114 Rejected Transaction is not found.
5115 Rejected Access error
5116 Rejected Access to account is blocked.
5117 Rejected Terminal is not found.
5118 Rejected Fee is not found.
5119 Rejected Failed to create transaction.
5120 Rejected Failed to verify a card.
5121 Rejected Currency is prohibited.
5122 Unsuccessful Failed to finish the transaction.
5123 Unsuccessful Failed to finish the transaction
5124 Rejected Invalid transaction type.
5125 Rejected Transaction currency is prohibited.
5126 Rejected Invalid transaction request signature.
5127 Rejected Action parameter is not sent in request.
5128 Rejected Callback parameter is not transferred.
5129 Rejected This merchant is restricted to call API from this IP.
5130 Unsuccessful Card does not support 3-D Secure.
5131 Rejected General error during processing.
5132 Unsuccessful Token doesn't belong to this merchant.
5133 Rejected Received token is inactive.
5134 Unsuccessful Token reached the maximum purchase amount.
5135 Unsuccessful Token transactions' limit exceeded.
5136 Rejected Card not supported.
5137 Rejected Merchant is not allowed preauth.
5138 Unsuccessful Acquirer does not support 3-D Secure.
5139 Rejected This token does not exist.
5140 Rejected Reached the limit of attempts for this IP.
5141 Rejected Session expired.
5142 Rejected Card branch is blocked.
5143 Rejected Card branch daily limit reached.
5144 Rejected Temporarily closed the P2P transactions from PB cards to foreign banks' cards.
5145 Unsuccessful Completion limit reached.
5146 Unsuccessful Transaction is declined. Please, try again later.
5147 Unsuccessful Transaction is declined. Bank did not approve the transaction. Please, contact the bank.
5148 Unsuccessful Bank did not approve the transaction. Please, contact the bank.
5149 Rejected Invalid parameters or transaction is not allowed.
5150 Rejected Merchant is not allowed for making recurring transactions.
5151 Canceled Transaction is canceled by payer.
6000 Antifraud Transaction is on antifraud check
6003 Antifraud The transaction is declined by bank's anti-fraud system.
6001 Antifraud The limit for the amount or number of customer payments has been exceeded. Amount or transaction limit has been exceeded.
6002 Antifraud The transaction is rejected by bank's anti-fraud rules.
6004 Antifraud Payment card is lost or stolen

HTTP statuses

Tranzzo API uses the following HTTP statuses:

HTTP status Description Hint
400 Bad Request Request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized Either POS_ID, API_KEY, API_SECRET or ENDPOINTS_KEY is invalid.
404 Not Found Payment or endpoint not found.
405 Method Not Allowed Usage of request HTTP method is not allowed.
406 Not Acceptable All POST requests should have application/json content type.
429 Too Many Requests Too high request rate.
500 Internal Server Error Internal error occurred on Tranzzo side. Please, contact technical support with specified request and response.
503 Service Unavailable Tranzzo server was unreachable. Please, contact technical support with specified request and response.

FAQ on errors returned from Tranzzo API:

Error message Hints
API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key. Check ENDPOINTS_KEY value
Method doesn't allow unregistered callers (callers without established identity). Please use API Key or other form of API consumer identity to call this API. Check if header X-API-KEY was passed

Contact maintainers

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